Fix: Google Chrome Enterprise 58.0.3029.96 breaks on XenApp 6.5 / Windows Server 2008 R2 – UPDATE

Fast published to help everyone else, so sorry for any typos or grammatical errors! ty

On Tuesday the 2nd May 2107 Google published a new update for Google Chrome Enterprise 58.0.3029.96. After this update, nearly all of our XenApp 6.5 customers informed us, that Google Chrome stopped working for them. The browser itself opens, but it never displays any content:

I took a while to figure it the problem. In the first place I found two Google discussion, the first Link led me to the second link:!topic/chrome/ptsYxZLowxM;context-place=forum/chrome

That’s where I found the important hint:

Some more info, we were running 32bit Chrome and according to this Chrome is automatically updating to the 64 bit version for users running a 64 bit OS with 4 GB RAM or more.

For some reason I’m not aware of yet, the x64 version of Google Chrome Enterprise doesn’t work on all or nearly all of our XenApp 6.5 servers. I did a quick test of uninstalling Chrome and reinstalling Google Chrome Enterprise x86 which resolved the problem immediately!

So long story short, I built a package for PDQ Deploy and will also tell you the manual steps I did to resolves our issues:

  1. %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im chrome.exe
  2. MsiExec.exe /qn /norestart /X{69BDE82E-C14F-3309-9813-E5F4E6111920}
  3. MsiExec.exe /qn /norestart /X{A4690197-328E-3732-A460-124D6900D9C5}
  4. msiexec.exe /i "googlechromestandaloneenterprise-58.0.3029.96.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log

I have also the PDQ XML file for you:

FIX_Google_Chrome_Enterprise_58.0.3029.96.xml (1521 downloads )

I hope I could help anybody!

Alternate Download Link:

UPDATE: Thanks to a users comment below this article, we now know, that the root cause are the api hooks from XenApp 6.5, see the following links for a further explanation:

Author: Marco

Marco is an IT-System administrator and IT-Consultant with 10+ years experience. He is specialized in the delivery of virtual Apps and Desktops with Citrix solutions. In 2017 he has been awarded Citrix Technology Advocate by Citrix for his community work (#CTA). His second core area is availability & performance monitoring with Zabbix, a leading open-source solution. His employer is the German IT-Company ANAXCO, which is developing a Transport Management Software (TMS) based on Microsoft Dynamics AX. More about Marco

2 thoughts on “Fix: Google Chrome Enterprise 58.0.3029.96 breaks on XenApp 6.5 / Windows Server 2008 R2 – UPDATE”

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. This will be important in the near future, as I think it will be inevitable to switch to Chrome Enterprise x64 sometime later.

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