- 11.01.2021: Added information about the new Citrix ADC Gateway (formerly NetScaler) firmware releases, which solve the memory leak issue with
- 24.12.2020: Added information about the official Citrix Knowledge Center article CTX289674
Added a final summary, that repeats all possible solutions
Maked it a lot clearer, that-helloVerifiyRequest
doesn’t seem to work well - 22.12.2020: Added a warning note, that
doesn’t work on all Citrix ADC (NetScaler) firmware versions - 21.12.2020: Added a third possible solution regarding
- 21.12.2020: Initial version
The situation
During the night from Saturday (19.12.2020) to Sunday (20.12.2020) our Zabbix Monitoring informed us, that several Citrix Gateway VPX (50) appliances were at its license cap. We investigated the situation and soon found out, that we had 0 ICA sessions on most of them, hence no explanation for the traffic.
![Zabbix Citrix Gateway Throughput Monitoring Graph](